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Great Reads for Good Food

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Card Skimmers Target EBT Benefits (Food Stamps)

For Americans who are on food stamps, there's a good-news,bad-news situation that you should know about. The good news first: October SNAP benefits are going to increase again, and so you can expect another $100 or so ...

How the Cost of Living Adjustment Will Impact SNAP Benefits in the Coming Year

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) makes annual adjustments to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which many people know as the program that provides food stamp...

Do You Have High Blood Pressure? These Are the Foods You Need to Avoid

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 45% of all American adults suffer from high blood pressure. Because high blood pressure is one of the biggest predicto...

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Overall Wellness

Unlike adults, young people face more challenges maintaining a healthy diet because their bodies keep growing and developing, and they need a nutritious diet to support the process. Therefore, eating a balanced variety o...

Struggling With Getting Enough Quality Sleep? Try Eating These Foods

Everyone understands that getting quality sleep each night is essential for good overall health. The problem is that this sleep can often be elusive for many people. Did you know that what you eat may ...

How SNAP Might Change With Donald Trump in Charge

Donald Trump has promised to make big changes to many government programs. One of these programs is SNAP benefits, also known as "food stamps."  This program helps millions of Americans who don't have e...